Archives Search

New Search Database!

Our previous Legacy Search has been discontinued. Please use the new search database. While we have added most of the records to the new search, this remains a work in progress, and we will continue to publish records in the weeks to come. Keep in mind that this search is not all-inclusive. If you do not find the desired results in the database, it does not necessarily mean that the record is not held at the archives. Feel free to place a records request and we will search for you! Thank you for your patience during this transition.

The Archives Search is a database that is searchable by name, record type, and time span. However, there are many records available for your research needs that are not listed in the database.

  • The database is not an index of ALL the records held by the Colorado State Archives.
  • Many records listed in the database are NOT available at the Colorado State Archives.

You will be taken to another domain, in a new tab, to search the database online. You are about to leave archives.colorado.gov

Continue to the Search Database      


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