How does a municipality obtain approval to use this records management manual?
The Approval Request Form must be completed and returned to our office. Once approved, the city or town's name will be added to this site (Municipal APPROVED). It is recommended that the town or city board/council adopt by resolution use of this schedule. A sample adopting resolution is now available.
This retention schedule will not provide legal authority or authorization for destruction of municipal records by any municipality until it is approved for use for that municipality by the Colorado State Archives. Additionally, no record shall be destroyed if it is pertinent to any current or pending litigation.
The approval will remain in effect indefinitely or until rescinded by the municipality or State Archivist. Municipalities using this record retention schedule will not be required to report yearly record destruction statistics to our office at this time.
Municipal Records Retention Manual
- Acknowledgments
- How To Use
- Index
- Instructions for Supplement No. 14
- Preface
- Table of Contents
- Appendix A - Non-Records
- Appendix B - Glossary
- Appendix C - Approval Request Form (original version)
- Appendix C - Approval Request Form (accessible, fillable version)
- Appendix D - Update Request Form (original version)
- Appendix D - Update Request Form (accessible, fillable version)
- Appendix E - Methods of Records Destruction
- Appendix F - Frequently Asked Questions
- Appendix G - Guidelines for Preservation of Records
- Appendix H - Amendment Schedule
- Appendix I - Social Media
- Municipal Manual Files & Table of Contents
SCHEDULE 05. Building and Structure Records
- 05.010 Address History Files
- 05.020 Applications for Building Permits
- 05.030 Building and Demolition Permits
- 05.040 Building Review Board Case Files
- 05.050 Certificates of Occupancy
- 05.060 Construction Drawings and Plans
- 05.070 Inspection Records
- 05.080 Registers and Ledgers – Building Permits
- 10.010 Burial Records
- 10.020 Cemetery Boundary and Lot Records
- 10.030 Cemetery Financial Records
- 15.010 Absentee Voter Records
- 15.020 Ballot Issue Comments
- 15.030 Ballots
- 15.040 Campaign Reports and Statements
- 15.050 Complaints and Supporting Documentation – H.A.V.A.
- 15.060 Coordinated Election Records
- 15.070 Election Equipment Records
- 15.080 Election History Files
- 15.090 Election Judges Records
- 15.100 Mail Ballot Election Records
- 15.110 Maps – Election
- 15.120 Nomination Records
- 15.130 Notices of Election
- 15.140 Oaths and Affidavits
- 15.150 Petitions – Ballot Measures and Recall
- 15.160 Polling Records
- 15.170 Receipts and Accounting Forms
- 15.180 Surveillance Recordings – Election Areas
- 15.190 Tabulation and Election Certification Records
SCHEDULE 20. Entities Appointed by Municipality
- 20.010 Agendas and Supporting Documentation
- 20.020 Appointments and Resignations
- 20.030 Bylaws
- 20.040 Goals and Work Plans
- 20.050 Member Lists
- 20.060 Minutes and Supporting Documentation
- 20.070 Notices – Meetings
- 20.080 Oaths of Office
- 20.090 Recommendations, Findings and Supporting Documentation
- 20.100 Recordings of Meetings
SCHEDULE 25. Environmental Records
- 25.010 Environmental Monitoring and Review
- 25.020 Hazardous Waste Storage and Transport Records
- 25.030 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
- 25.040 S.A.R.A. Tier II Reports – Submitting Facility's Copy
- 25.050 Storage Tanks – Regulated Substances
- 25.060 Toxic Sites
SCHEDULE 30. Financial Records
- 30.010 Accounts Payable (A/P) Records
- 30.020 Accounts Receivable (A/R) Records
- 30.030 Asset Records
- 30.040 Audit Records
- 30.050 Bank Records
- 30.060 Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Records
- 30.070 Bond Issue Records
- 30.080 Budget Records
- 30.090 Fee and Rate Schedules and Supporting Documentation
- 30.100 Financial Guarantees
- 30.110 Franchise Records
- 30.120 Grant Records
- 30.130 Improvement District Records
- 30.140 Investment Records
- 30.150 Ledgers and Journals
- 30.160 Loan Records
- 30.170 Purchasing Records
- 30.180 Rebate Program Records
- 30.190 Tax Collection Records
- 30.200 Tax Reporting Records
- 30.210 Utility Billing
SCHEDULE 35. Fleet and Equipment Records
- 35.010 Equipment Records in General
- 35.020 Fuel Use Records
- 35.030 Maintenance and Safety Records – Vehicles and Equipment
SCHEDULE 40. General Administrative Records
- 40.010 Administrative Proceedings Records
- 40.020 Affidavits of Publication
- 40.030 Agreements and Contracts
- 40.040 Awards and Honors
- 40.050 Calendars
- 40.060 Charters and Supporting Documentation
- 40.070 Code Book Records
- 40.080 Committees – Internal
- 40.090 Complaints, Routine Service Requests and Nonbinding Petitions
- 40.100 Correspondence and General Documentation
- 40.105 Donor Records
- 40.110 Event Records
- 40.120 External Groups and Agencies
- 40.130 Forms – Blank
- 40.140 Housekeeping Files
- 40.150 Intellectual Property Records
- 40.160 Legislation and Regulatory Actions – External
- 40.170 Mailing and Distribution Records
- 40.180 Maps, Drawings and Supporting Documentation
- 40.190 Maps – Informational
- 40.200 Open Records Requests and Supporting Documentation
- 40.210 Organization Files
- 40.215 Passport Records
- 40.220 Policies and Procedures Documentation
- 40.230 Program Records
- 40.240 Project Files
- 40.250 Public Relations Records
- 40.260 Publications
- 40.270 Records Finding Aids
- 40.280 Reference Files
- 40.290 Reports
- 40.300 Retention Schedules and Compliance Certificates
- 40.310 Rules, Regulations and Standards
- 40.320 Special District Records
- 40.330 Studies, Plans and Reports
- 40.340 Surveys Conducted by Municipalities
- 40.350 Worksheets, Drafts and Other Preliminary Working Material
SCHEDULE 45. Governing Body Records
- 45.010 Agendas and Supporting Documentation
- 45.020 Appointments
- 45.030 Bylaws
- 45.040 Committee Records – Governing Body
- 45.050 Goals and Work Plans
- 45.060 Governing Body as Another Decision-Making Body
- 45.070 List of Members
- 45.080 Member Records
- 45.090 Minutes and Supporting Documentation
- 45.100 Notes Taken at Meetings
- 45.110 Notices of Meetings
- 45.120 Ordinances and Supporting Documentation
- 45.130 Proclamations
- 45.140 Recordings of Meetings
- 45.150 Removal From Office – Initiated by Governing Body
- 45.160 Resolutions and Supporting Documentation
SCHEDULE 50. Historic Preservation Records
- 50.010 Archaeological and Historical Site Records
- 50.020 Community and Municipal Histories
- 50.030 Community Records
- 50.040 Landmark and Historic Designation
- 50.050 Newspapers and News Clippings – Local
- 50.060 Photographic Records with Historical Value
- 50.070 Records Older Than 1900
- 50.080 Scrapbooks
SCHEDULE 55. Information Technology and Communication Systems Records
- 55.010 Communication and Technology Systems Records
- 55.020 Reserved
- 55.030 Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Plans – IT
- 55.040 Reserved
- 55.050 Electronically Stored Information (ESI) Data Maps
- 55.060 Project Records – Information Technology and Communication Systems
- 55.070 Television System Records – Municipally Operated
- 55.080 Website and Intranet Records
SCHEDULE 60. Infrastructure Records
- 60.010 Electric Service
- 60.020 Locate Requests
- 60.030 Solid Waste Management
- 60.040 Stormwater Drainage System Records
- 60.050 Street and Traffic Operations Records
- 60.060 Transportation System Records
- 60.070 Vacations – Street, Alley and Right-of-Way
- 60.080 Water and Sewer Distribution and Storage System Records
- 60.090 Water and Sewer Treatment System Records
- 60.100 Water Source of Supply Records
SCHEDULE 65. Land Use and Planning Records
- 65.010 Annexation Case Files
- 65.020 Census and Population Records
- 65.030 Development Case Files
- 65.040 Economic Development Records
- 65.050 Referrals From Other Jurisdictions
- 65.060 Variance and Exemption Case Files
- 65.070 Violations – Land Use Code
- 65.080 Zoning Records
SCHEDULE 70. Library, Museum and Other Repository Records
- 70.010 Library Records
- 70.020 Museum and Other Repository Records
SCHEDULE 75. Licenses and Permits
- 75.010 Bonds – Licenses and Permits
- 75.020 Licenses and Permits – Issued by the Municipality
- 75.030 Licenses , Permits and Supporting Documentation – Issued to the Municipality
- 75.040 Registers – Licenses and Permits
SCHEDULE 80. Litigation and Legal Counsel Records
- 80.010 Claims
- 80.020 Criminal Case Files
- 80.030 Legal Communications
- 80.040 Litigation Case Records
SCHEDULE 85. Municipal Court Records
- 85.010 Appeal Records
- 85.020 Bonds and Supporting Documentation – Court
- 85.030 Case Files
- 85.040 Docket Sheets
- 85.050 Evidence
- 85.060 Jury Records
- 85.070 Probation Files
- 85.080 Recordings of Court Proceedings
- 85.090 Registers and Indexes
- 85.100 Warrants
SCHEDULE 90. Personnel Records
- 90.010 Affirmative Action Records
- 90.020 Agreements and Contracts – Employment
- 90.030 Benefit Records
- 90.040 Bonds – Public Officials
- 90.050 Collective Bargaining Records
- 90.060 Driver's License Verifications
- 90.070 Employee Records – Active and Terminated
- 90.080 Employee Records – Temporary and Seasonal
- 90.090 Employment Verifications
- 90.100 Grievances
- 90.110 Health, Medical and Safety Records
- 90.120 I-9 Forms
- 90.130 Job Recruitment Records
- 90.140 Payroll Records
- 90.150 Pension and Retirement Records
- 90.160 Polygraph Records – Workplace Investigations
- 90.170 State of Colorado New Hire Reporting Compliance
- 90.180 Training Information
- 90.190 Unemployment Insurance
- 90.200 Volunteer Worker Records
- 90.210 Work Schedules
- 90.220 Workers' Compensation
- 95.010 Acquisition, Sale and Transfer Records
- 95.020 Deeds and Dedications and Supporting Documentation
- 95.030 Easements and Rights-of-Way and Supporting Documentation
- 95.040 Leases and Supporting Documentation
- 95.050 Maintenance, Upkeep and Damage Records
- 95.060 Parks
SCHEDULE 100. Public Safety Records
- 100.010 Ambulance Licensing and Operation Records
- 100.020 Animal Control
- 100.030 Dispatch Records
- 100.040 Emergency Planning and Response
- 100.050 Fire and Rescue Records
- 100.060 Hazardous Materials Enforcement Records
- 100.070 Immigration Status Reporting Records
- 100.080 Police Records
SCHEDULE 105. Risk Management Records105
- 105.005 ADA Complaints
- 105.010 Insurance Records
- 105.020 Security Records – Municipal Facilities
Approved Municipalities
- Approved Municipalities
- Akron
- Alamosa
- Antonito
- Arvada, City of
- Aspen
- Ault
- Aurora
- Avon
- Basalt
- Bayfield
- Bennett
- Berthoud, Town of
- Black Hawk
- Blanca
- Blue River
- Boulder, City of
- Bow Mar
- Breckenridge
- Brighton
- Brookside
- Broomfield
- Brush
- Buena Vista
- Burlington
- Calhan
- Cañon City
- Carbondale
- Castle Pines
- Castle Rock
- Cedaredge
- Centennial
- Center
- Central City
- Cherry Hills Village
- Cheyenne Wells
- Coal Creek
- Collbran
- Colorado Springs
- Commerce City
- Cortez
- Craig
- Creede
- Crested Butte
- Crestone
- Cripple Creek
- Dacono
- De Beque
- Deer Trail
- Del Norte
- Delta
- Dillon
- Dinosaur
- Dolores
- Dove Creek
- Durango
- Eagle
- Eaton
- Edgewater
- Elizabeth
- Empire
- Englewood
- Erie
- Estes Park
- Evans
- Fairplay
- Federal Heights
- Firestone
- Fleming
- Florence
- Fort Collins
- Fort Lupton
- Fort Morgan
- Fountain
- Fowler
- Foxfield
- Fraser
- Frederick
- Frisco
- Fruita
- Garden City
- Georgetown
- Gilcrest
- Glendale
- Glenwood Springs
- Golden
- Granby
- Grand Junction
- Grand Lake, Town of
- Greeley
- Green Mountain Falls
- Gunnison
- Gypsum
- Hartman
- Haxtun
- Hayden
- Holly
- Holyoke
- Hooper
- Hot Sulphur Springs
- Hudson
- Idaho Springs
- Ignacio
- Jamestown
- Johnstown
- Keenesburg
- Kersey
- Keystone
- Kiowa
- Kremmling
- Lafayette
- La Jara
- La Junta
- Lake City
- Lakewood
- Lamar
- Larkspur
- La Salle
- La Veta
- Leadville
- Limon
- Littleton
- Lochbuie
- Log Lane Village
- Lone Tree
- Longmont
- Louisville
- Loveland
- Lyons
- Mancos
- Manitou Springs
- Manzanola
- Mead
- Meeker
- Milliken
- Minturn
- Moffat
- Monte Vista
- Montrose
- Monument
- Morrison
- Mountain View
- Mountain Village
- Mt. Crested Butte
- Nederland
- New Castle
- Northglenn
- Norwood
- Nucla
- Nunn, Town of
- Oak Creek
- Olathe
- Orchard City
- Otis
- Ovid
- Pagosa Springs
- Palisade
- Palmer Lake
- Paonia
- Parachute, Town of
- Parker
- Pierce
- Pitkin, Town of
- Platteville
- Poncha Springs
- Pritchett
- Pueblo
- Ramah
- Rangely
- Red Cliff
- Rifle
- Rockvale
- Rocky Ford
- Romeo
- Rye
- Saguache
- Salida
- Seibert
- Severance
- Sheridan
- Silt
- Silver Cliff
- Silver Plume
- Silverthorne
- Silverton
- Simla
- Snowmass Village
- South Fork
- Springfield
- Steamboat Springs
- Sterling
- Stratton
- Superior
- Swink
- Telluride
- Thornton
- Timnath
- Trinidad
- Vail
- Victor, City of
- Walden
- Walsenburg, City of
- Walsh
- Wellington
- Westcliffe
- Westminster
- Wheat Ridge
- Wiggins
- Wiley
- Williamsburg
- Windsor
- Winter Park
- Woodland Park
- Wray
- Yampa
- Yuma