School District Records Management

BOCES are included as part of this Manual. Each BOCES only needs to follow the approval steps that school districts are to complete. Once that has been done, and approved by the State Archivist, the individual BOCES will be added to the approved list.

How to obtain approval to use School Districts Records Management Manual

The Approval Request Form must be completed and returned to our office. Once approved, the school district's/BOCES name will be added to this site (List attached). It is required that the school board adopt by resolution use of this schedule.

This retention manual will not provide legal authority or authorization for destruction of school records by any school district until it is approved for use for that district by the Colorado State Archives. Additionally, no record shall be destroyed if it is pertinent to any current or pending litigation.

School districts/BOCES using the School Districts Records Management Manual will be required to report yearly record destruction statistics to our office. As long as yearly reporting is accomplished, the approval will remain in effect or until rescinded by the school district or State Archivist.

School Districts Records Management Manual

School districts/BOCES using the School Districts Records Management Manual will be required to report yearly record destruction statistics to our office. As long as yearly reporting is accomplished, the approval will remain in effect or until rescinded by the school district or State Archivist.

School Districts Records Management Manual


Approved School Districts

Approved School Districts
  1. Academy School District #20 - Colorado Springs
  2. Adams 1 - Mapleton
  3. Adams County School Dist. 14
  4. Agate School District #300
  5. Aguilar School District Re-6
  6. Arapahoe County School District #6
  7. Archuleta School District 50 JT.
  8. Arriba-Flagler C-20 - Flagler
  9. Bennett School District 29J
  10. Bethune School District R-5
  11. Boulder Valley School District RE-2
  12. Brighton School District 27J
  13. Brush School District RE-2(J)
  14. Buena Vista School District R-31
  15. Byers School District 32J
  16. Calhan School District RJ-1
  17. Centennial BOCES
  18. Centennial SD R-1 (San Luis)
  19. Center SD #26 JT
  20. Cripple Creek-Victor School District RE-1
  21. Dear Trail School District 26J
  22. DeBeque School District 49JT
  23. Delta County School Dist. 50J
  24. Denver, City and County of, School District No. 1
  25. Dolores County School District RE-2J
  26. Dolores School District RE-4A
  27. Durango School District 9-R
  28. East Grand School district #2
  29. East Otero School District R-1
  30. Elbert County School District  C-2
  31. Elbert School Distrcit #200
  32. Ellicott School District 22
  33. Falcon School District 49
  34. Fowler Public Schools R4J - Fowler
  35. Fremont County School Dist. RE-1
  36. Garfield County School District No. 16
  37. Garfield School District RE-2 
  38. Gilpin County School District RE-1
  39. Grand (East) School District #2 
  40. Gunnison Watershed School District
  41. Harrison School District Two, Colorado Springs
  42. Hi-Plains School District R-23
  43. Ignacio School District
  44. Indian Peaks Charter School
  45. Jefferson County Public Schools
  46. Kiowa County School District RE-1
  47. Kiowa County School District RE-2
  48. Las Animas School District RE-1
  49. Lamar School District RE-2
  50. Lewis Palmer School District #36
  51. Manitou Springs School District #14
  52. Manzanola School District
  53. Mesa County Valley School District #51
  54. Miami Yoder School District J160
  55. Moffat County School District RE-1
  56. Monte Vista C-8 - Monte Vista
  57. Mountain BOCES
  58. North Park School District
  59. Northwest Colorado BOCES
  60. Park County School District RE2
  61. Park School District R-3
  62. Pawnee School District RE-12
  63. Peyton School District 23 Jt
  64. PIkes Peak BOCES
  65. Platte Canyon School District #1
  66. Platte Valley School District Weld RE-7
  67. Poudre School District R-1
  68. Prairie School District RE-11J
  69. Prowers County RE-13JT - Wiley
  70. Pueblo City Schools District 60
  71. Rio Blanco BOCES
  72. Roaring Fork RE-1 - Glenwood Springs
  73. Salida School District R-32-J
  74. San Juan BOCES - Durango
  75. San Juan County District #1
  76. Sargent School District RE33J
  77. Sierra Grande School District
  78. South Central BOCES - Pueblo West
  79. South Conejos School District RE-10
  80. Southeastern BOCES
  81. St. Vrain Valley School District
  82. Uncompahgre Board of Cooperative Services
  83. Uncompahgre BOCES - Ridgway
  84. Valley School District RE-1 - Sterling
  85. Weld County District RE-4 - Windsor
  86. Weld County School District RE-5J
  87. Weld County SD RE-3J
  88. Weld County SD 6
  89. Widefield School District 3
  90. Woodlin School District R-104